- During the KYC and after the address selection the DE user will proceed to select a profession and not a profession type as existed.
- The visibility choices cannot display order anymore .
- There is an issue about triggering chat&pay coins reward, while i'm not typing any message, app gives the rewards to the user .
- Coins rewards are not captured in the “Earned coins“ landing screen , although I complete the necessary actions .
- From now on ,the wallet is unblocked by soft block after the amount is released.
- Textual rephrase of sentences "When I owe money" and When I am owed money.
- Correction of verbal in bottomsheet text when I transfer a Split it group with no debts as an archived.
- There is an issue in the wallet landing page , where the user sees his transactions in the wrong chronological order.
- As a user I select to copy the cardholder’s name. The positive feedback message copy text was verbally incorrect.
- In the notification requests, the dates are not displayed in the correct language
- As a DE user I make the following selections in the app which result in chat’s landing showing an infinitely loading screen.
- The CTA gets activated when I enter 1 character instead of activating in 8 characters at change my email process.
- The chips that exist do not have correct store numbering. It shows stores from other categories, while when I select a chip , it should only show the stores that belong to that category.
- Τhe e-proof download from an transaction was not successful on a non-payzy domestic IBAN.
- Do not show a dot in amounts over 1.000€.
- The user now sees in his/her Wallet the transfer transaction from another payzy user and can download the e-proof in Piggys transfer in/out
- To MKYC users,the informative message when it goes to charge over 30,000€ was wrong.
- The display of all the user's contacts belonging to payzy.
- Correction about calculating the total amount of cashback displayed on the app's home screen.