In order to connect your payzy card (digital ) to PayPal via its web page, follow these steps:
After accessing its website, first select the ‘digital wallet’ option at the top of the page.
On the page you are redirected to, select ‘Card connection’.
Enter your card details on the next page.
- Card number (its 16-digit code)
- Card type (visa or mastercard automatically selected)
- Expiry date (mm/yy)
- Security code (CVC or CVV )
- Billing address
Next, a page is displayed asking you to approve of the transaction to verify the payzy app card.
Upon approval of the transaction, a confirmation message appears that your card has been confirmed.
Upon selecting ‘Done’, you are transferred back to your digital wallet and the card you have added appears.
In order to connect your payzy card (digital ) to PayPal via its app, follow these steps:
After accessing its app, first select the ‘digital wallet’ option at the bottom of the page.
On the page you are taken to, select the "+" symbol.
As soon as you select it, an option appears, and you select ‘Debit and credit cards’.
In the next step, you are initially asked to enter your card number.
After entering it, you are asked for your card’s other details, such as the security code (cvv or cvc) and expiration date.
As well as the billing address and finally select ‘Connect card connection’
Subsequently a page loads asking you to the approve the transaction to verify the card on the payzy app.
Upon approval of the transaction, a confirmation message appears that your card has been confirmed.
Upon selecting ‘OK’, you are transferred back to your digital wallet and the card you have added appears.