These are cards from other banks that you have stored so that you can use them in future transactions without having to re-enter their information (card number, expiry date, and CVV). You can use them to quickly top up your wallet.
You can view your saved cards, add new ones, or remove one or more at any time from the ‘Wallet’ section, under the three dots in the top right of the screen, by selecting ‘Saved cards’.
Other bank cards that are supported are those bearing the Visa, Mastercard and Maestro trademarks. You should know that it is not possible to top-up using Maestro cards with more digits than Mastercard (more than 16 digits).
If you have more than one stored card, you can set one as the default card, and you can change your choice at any time. Note, however, it is not possible to set an expired card as the default card.